Senin, 21 April 2014

My own future plan

Waktu pelajaran bhs. Ing ditanya "setelah lulus sklh apa yg akan kamu lakukan melanjutkan sekolah atau bekerja .. dan ini jawaban saya"
After graduate from school i will probably go back to school again, and maybe i will go to college if i go to college i will major in broadcasting, why i enter broadcasting?
because i like movie world and i also like the people who work behind the scenes such as cameramen, producer, director and cinematographer, but before that i have not prepared anything but yes a little bit out of the broadcasting world, after graduating from college later, so of course i will work or maybe when i am in college i will able to work part-time, but after graduation i will probably apply for job at a television stasion because the reason i want to be cameramen and producer, but for all the preparation that i have not prepared anything because it is still a dream


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